Surly gentleman in the blue Ford pickup truck... where the southbound road merges southbound from two lanes into one, try alternating merg- ing. Pulling your vehicle halfway into the left lane to block traffic and using your vehicle like a weapon? Really?
Everyone on earth is an immigrant except people in East Africa. Every country gets to have a border and decide who comes and goes. Don’t be ridiculous.
Redash and Winterhaven parkers need to be provided with parking onsite- not forced to park on the street! Maybe a little more oversight when approving these types of apart- ments would help!
As with broken headlights/ tail lights, vehicles that "roll coal" (spew thick, black exhaust), have overly/illegally tinted glass, and/or sport extra-wide tires (deficient mudflap coverage) now get extra at- tention from police. Call 911 with plate # and description.
The postal center here is chaotic. The facilities are messy and broken, staff are often missing, and more time is spent returning mail than de- livering it. Despite this, we’re one of the few communities in the US that pays for their PO BOX. It’s a night- mare.
Being too tall and destroying people's families and health makes you a scourge on this valley. Stay in your lane, some people are not meant for you. This will stop.