Yeah, I’m frustrated too. No eti- quette, skiing way out of true control and an invasion of our sacred para- dise. They don’t understand, practice kindness. Be the teacher of what you love and how to love it. And, they help us pay the bills. The Earthrider.
Genuinely curious—do C.M. , A.P., B.U., and P.B. think the valley can’t function without their take on every single news article? Do they get a stipend for this, or is it just a public service?
A sovereign nation is a country or state that has complete control over its territory and population. It is inde- pendent of any other nation or entity. It has complete control of it borders. We are a sovereign nation.
Speaking of hot dogging, did you know we have one of the extras that was in the movie Hot Dog on our mountain every day promptly at 9am (as long as there isn't flat light)? He was on the free style ski circuit in the 70s-80s! See if you can find him! Hint: He only talks on the lifts!