RE: zippering (merging): What you don't get is that locals queuing in the left lane going thru town leave the right lane open for people to travel around town. On purpose. Instead of backing up both lanes into town and creating a grid lock. You're welcome. Ms. Potato Head.
Benefits us all? How about you do some research and read the fine print? Do you even know what ser- vices you're going to lose now be- cause you had to have your free P.O. Box?! Good luck with that.
Is everyone okay? You all know that the speed limit on the highway is 55, right? Not 40, 45 or 50. It is 55 so please, PLEASE drive the limit or do not drive.
There is a leash law in all of Blaine County. So keep your dog on a leash! Drivers have enough to con- centrate on without having to worry about your dog in or near the Wood- side round-a-bout!